Building James Ferguson`s Mechanical Paradox

[title text=”Building James Ferguson`s Mechanical Paradox”] [ux_video url=””] [ux_video url=””] [ux_video...

SIM Racing BMW E36 Build

[title text=”SIM Racing BMW E36 Build”] [ux_video url=””]

Clock Depthing Tool

[title text=”Making a Clock Depthing tool”] [ux_video url=””] [ux_video url=””]

Clockmakers Crossing Out Jig

[title text=”Clock Wheel Crossing Out Jig”] [ux_video url=””]

Cowells Lathes 90CW 90ME

[title text=”Cowells 90CW & 90ME Lathe Page”] Since my obsession in clocks and watches started back when I was 18, I had dreamed of owned a Cowells. It is only really in the last 10 years that, at times, I`ve been able to purchase a second hand...

Workshop Tour 2016

[title text=”Workshop Tour 2016″] A video back from 2016 when youtube was booming and I was clearly watching too much Casey Neistat with more video confidence than I have now-a-days! Still, interesting seeing the workshop back then despite some of the...

Workshop Tour 2023

[title text=”Workshop tour 2023″] I did a workshop tour back in 2016 and whilst I`ve not been overly active over the last few years, there have been some updates to the workshop. We now have a large CNC router which was quite a significant investment that...

Wildings Tower Clock

[title text=”Wildings Small Tower Clock”] I had been considering building Wildings Tower Clock since I first saw it many years ago. I initially had grand plans going through my head of building a roof tower or even simply drilling through the house wall to...

Rotary Divider – World of Ward

[title text=”Rotary divider – world of ward”] This electronic rotary divider is invaluble. It allows divisions between 1-999 which is phenominal considering how many dividing plates this would require with a conventional dividing head. The divider...